CSS Training Courses

Modern Web Development The web landscape changes weekly. If you are a web developer then it is an almost impossible task to keep up to date with changes in the language syntax, tools, frameworks and related tools. Frameworks come and go at an alarming rate and it can be risky to adopt new technologies before they are mature.

This is a hands on course that will create real web applications / sites and deploy them using a free hosting service. It will also create - as an exercise - a progressive web application and an introductory mobile application using React Native.

UX Design For Web Application Developers This course covers User Experience Design (UX Design) for web application developers with practical examples of what to do and more importantly what not to do.

Broadly speaking, UX Design refers to the overall interaction and satisfaction a user has when engaging with a product, service, or system. With websites, this encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction - ease of use, efficiency, accessibility, and the resulting emotional responses. The goal of effective UX design is to create products that are not only functional but also enjoyable and intuitive to use. Bringing this UX focus to the Developer’s work is about ensuring the site user's needs are met seamlessly.

Key factors of UX Design include usability, accessibility, aesthetics, and performance across various platforms and touchpoints. This course will deal with each of these areas.

Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Introduction This course give participants a good grounding in all aspects of front-end web development. It will be largely independent of server side technologies and will simply use RESTful web service calls using AJAX to manipulate server side data. This is a hands-on course and will get participants to a high intermediate and perhaps advanced level in their understanding of how to create web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. It will also get them comfortable with making server calls using AJAX and the utilisation of Javascript libraries, frameworks and controls.
Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Advanced This course is an opportunity for developers to get a taste for the newer features in HTML5, CSS3 and javascript es6 including Object Oriented Programming, Advanced CSS features, Using SVG, Understanding semantic HTML5 tags and why you should use them and CSS Layouts.

Participants will gain the skills to quickly and effectively create new web applications with the latest techniques.