JavaScript Training Courses

Mastering JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming This course is designed to help new programmers learn popular Object-Oriented programming (OOP) principles and design patterns to build robust apps and implement Object-Oriented concepts in a wide range of front-end architectures using JavaScript. It covers the new features introduced in ES6 and shows participants the first steps in how to build large-scale web apps and build apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability.
JavaScript Data Visualisation using Maps This course gives Javascript developers the tools to bridge the gap between static displays of data and interactive, animated data visualisations by building useful and informative web maps.
Modern Mobile Web Development This course is aimed at web developers who would like to write applications targeting mobile devices without having to go the route of developing native applications for those devices. Any web developer has the background knowledge to create a mobile application using one of two techniques.

The first technique is creating a Progressive Web Application(PWA). PWAs are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as full screen mode, install on desktop, working offline, push notifications and device hardware access traditionally available only to native applications.

The second technique is to use a library like React Native or Native Script. Both of these libraries are capable of taking an application developed using component techniques from React and Angular and compiling those applications to native applications. The beauty of using these technologies is that with some limitations you can have a single code base to create both Android and iPhone apps.

This course will take experienced web developers and give them experience developing for mobile devices using both of these techniques.

Modern Web Development The web landscape changes weekly. If you are a web developer then it is an almost impossible task to keep up to date with changes in the language syntax, tools, frameworks and related tools. Frameworks come and go at an alarming rate and it can be risky to adopt new technologies before they are mature.

This is a hands on course that will create real web applications / sites and deploy them using a free hosting service. It will also create - as an exercise - a progressive web application and an introductory mobile application using React Native.

UX Design For Web Application Developers This course covers User Experience Design (UX Design) for web application developers with practical examples of what to do and more importantly what not to do.

Broadly speaking, UX Design refers to the overall interaction and satisfaction a user has when engaging with a product, service, or system. With websites, this encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction - ease of use, efficiency, accessibility, and the resulting emotional responses. The goal of effective UX design is to create products that are not only functional but also enjoyable and intuitive to use. Bringing this UX focus to the Developer’s work is about ensuring the site user's needs are met seamlessly.

Key factors of UX Design include usability, accessibility, aesthetics, and performance across various platforms and touchpoints. This course will deal with each of these areas.

Progressive Web Application Development This is a hands-on course that will cover all of the key characteristics of a PWA and create a number of Progressive Web Applications that demonstrate these key features.

Some organisations would like to give an enhanced user experience to the mobile users of their website but may not have the resources to develop a native app for both android and iphone. For these cases a progressive web application which combines the flexibility of the web with the experience of a native application can be the perfect solution.

Progressive web applications (PWAs) are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications and device hardware access traditionally available only to native applications.

Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Introduction This course give participants a good grounding in all aspects of front-end web development. It will be largely independent of server side technologies and will simply use RESTful web service calls using AJAX to manipulate server side data. This is a hands-on course and will get participants to a high intermediate and perhaps advanced level in their understanding of how to create web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. It will also get them comfortable with making server calls using AJAX and the utilisation of Javascript libraries, frameworks and controls.
Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Advanced This course is an opportunity for developers to get a taste for the newer features in HTML5, CSS3 and javascript es6 including Object Oriented Programming, Advanced CSS features, Using SVG, Understanding semantic HTML5 tags and why you should use them and CSS Layouts.

Participants will gain the skills to quickly and effectively create new web applications with the latest techniques.

Prompt Engineering Essentials - using AI effectively This course provides an introduction to AI Technologies available and gives practical examples of how these tools and techniques can be used in real-world situations today. The skills gained will open up programming as a tool for non-programmers. AI assistants like ChatGPT and CoPilot are able to write code, so if you can clearly describe what you require and are able to interpret the results you can now utilise programming as a tool.

Participants will gain knowledge of the new skill of "prompt-engineering" which is learning how to phrase your interactions with AI tools.

The course will primarily focus on using ChatGPT but the techniques can be adapted to other AI assistants like Copilot and many others.

Adding AI to your JavaScript Web Application with the ChatGPT API Did you know that you can add the power of AI to your own JavaScript application by utilising the ChatGPT API? This course is designed for JavaScript Developers who want to learn how to add AI features like sentiment analysis and natural language processing to their applications to make them smarter and more interactive. We’ll start with the basics, such as setting up and making simple API requests, and then gradually explore more advanced topics like analysing usernames for inappropriate content, doing sentiment analysis on comments and analysing a log file for suspicious activity. Continuing on we will do more advanced tasks like specifying how the responses will be formatted using structured data and getting our own information into the model through the use of functions. By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of how to leverage the OpenAI models to create smarter and more interactive JavaScript applications.
Angular Developer Training - Advanced This course follows on from the introductory course on Angular and covers the more advanced but widely used features that Angular has to offer. It covers many advanced component techniques, creating custom attribute and structural directives, asynchronous programming using the rxjs library. It also covers creating a Progressive Web Application using Angular, using authentication and authorization routing features and automated testing. It covers creating a complex project using nx and deploying your app using a SSL certificate. This course will bring the skills of experienced Angular developers to the next level.
AngularJS Programming This course introduces the AngularJS framework, which has become a popular JavaScript framework for the development of "single page" Rich Internet Applications. The AngularJS framework augments applications with the "model-view-controller" pattern which makes applications easier to develop and test because there is a separation of responsibilities within the code. Although there are many benefits to using the AngularJS framework it is fairly different than the way "typical" web applications involving JavaScript have been designed. This AngularJS training course will provide an introduction to the benefits of AngularJS, so course participants can start to develop responsive applications quickly using the framework.
Fullstack JavaScript Web Development With Node.js This course covers full stack development with an emphasis on node.js and the node.js ecosystem. It will cover server side JavaScript development as the basis for the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular and Node.js)
Introduction to Server Side Javascript with Node.js Node.js is a server side javascript framework that has gained a lot of popularity over the last number of years. If you are a web developer who is familiar with PHP, .NET, Java or any of the Java server side technologies and would like to understand how Node.js works then this would be an excellent introduction to what is possible.

Node.js is very developer friendly and there can be a lot of productivity gains obtained by using javascript for server side development.

This course focuses on node.js and the express framework to create a web server or web application. It will use mongodb as the database and will conclude with a brief introduction to the Angular framework. At the end participants will have a good understanding of the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node.js) but even if you are not planning on using Angular understanding Node.js and Express could transform your approach to web applications.

Practical React Following on from the React Developer course this takes a deeper dive into the core features of React, React Router and React Query by exploring more practical real-world examples.

This course will give developers who are familiar with React the knowledge they need to deliver real-world React applications.

React Developer React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was originated by Facebook and is maintained by a a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of component based web sites and single-page applications.

React depends on plugins and libraries for certain features that are a core part of other frameworks. This course will cover plugins for routing (React Router), ajax calls (React Query) and state management (Redux) as well as the core React functionality.

This course will highlight the current features in React and highlight the things that have changed. React has evolved quite considerably over the years and some tutorials that you can find on the internet are out of date even if they are only a few years old.

Vue.js Developer Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. This course will take developers who are familiar with the basics of web development (HTML, CSS & JavaScript) and get them productive in working with Vue.js.