Web Programming Training Courses

Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Introduction This course give participants a good grounding in all aspects of front-end web development. It will be largely independent of server side technologies and will simply use RESTful web service calls using AJAX to manipulate server side data. This is a hands-on course and will get participants to a high intermediate and perhaps advanced level in their understanding of how to create web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. It will also get them comfortable with making server calls using AJAX and the utilisation of Javascript libraries, frameworks and controls.
Web Programming with JavaScript, HTML & CSS - Advanced This course is an opportunity for developers to get a taste for the newer features in HTML5, CSS3 and javascript es6 including Object Oriented Programming, Advanced CSS features, Using SVG, Understanding semantic HTML5 tags and why you should use them and CSS Layouts.

Participants will gain the skills to quickly and effectively create new web applications with the latest techniques.

Angular Developer Training - Introduction This course is a comprehensive introduction to the Angular framework up to the latest version. It covers both the ES6 JavaScript syntax and Typescript needed to work with Angular. It gives practical examples of the main Angular concepts including Components, Directives, Dependency Injection, Pipes and Single Page Applications (SPA). Angular is a large framework and it can be intimidating to get started with because it uses both a new language, Typescript, and has a large range of concepts that need to be understood before you can get started. This course is the perfect introduction for people who have worked with web applications who are embarking on a project that requires Angular.
Angular Developer Training - Advanced This course follows on from the introductory course on Angular and covers the more advanced but widely used features that Angular has to offer. It covers many advanced component techniques, creating custom attribute and structural directives, asynchronous programming using the rxjs library. It also covers creating a Progressive Web Application using Angular, using authentication and authorization routing features and automated testing. It covers creating a complex project using nx and deploying your app using a SSL certificate. This course will bring the skills of experienced Angular developers to the next level.
AngularJS Programming This course introduces the AngularJS framework, which has become a popular JavaScript framework for the development of "single page" Rich Internet Applications. The AngularJS framework augments applications with the "model-view-controller" pattern which makes applications easier to develop and test because there is a separation of responsibilities within the code. Although there are many benefits to using the AngularJS framework it is fairly different than the way "typical" web applications involving JavaScript have been designed. This AngularJS training course will provide an introduction to the benefits of AngularJS, so course participants can start to develop responsive applications quickly using the framework.